
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Today I am taller than ever! (since I am pretty short)

Greetings to you all and welcome back to my fantastic blog.

I am talking more formally because today I have had the opportunity to be an adult today (does NOT mean that adults can not be funny).

Here is my presentation on "what would it be like if I were an adult for a day"


Sunday, May 26, 2019

*checking bike* "do you have handlebars that work?" *looks at unicycle* "no...?"

Hey bloggers!
Welcome back to my blog!!!

Today we will be talking about cycle safety on a bike.

*pulls out sheet of paper and unravels it, keeps falling and falling*

And... you can see that there is a bunch of rules, and since it's boring just showing you it
like this I thought that I could do slide!!!

I found cycle safety really interesting because I got to ride a bike on the actual road (which I have never done before by the way) and we got to experience real traffic.
I found it a little scary at first, since biking isn't really my thing and as a matter of fact I prefer unicycling!!
Now that I know and experienced riding on the road I am much more confident.

Enjoy the slide!!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

I'm feeling 22!!!

Hey Bloggers!

Welcome back to my blog!
Today I will be picking the best age
including my entire family.

What age do you think?


Wednesday, May 15, 2019

To the WILD!

Hey Bloggers!
Welcome back to my fantastic blog!

Today I will be investigating on inventing a new subject.

I have made a piktochart to show my ideas and thoughts!



I have a extending pencil!

Hey Bloggers!

Welcome back to my blog!
It is a pleasure to have now...

The extending pencil!
I can now point at anything,

from anywhere,

and everywhere.

Today I will be talking about punctuation; specifically semicolons and colons (as you can see I have mastered it).


Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Stores are scary...

Hello Bloggers!

Welcome back to my blog!

Wondering why stores are scary? Well because it's based on my story :).
Today we had to improve a paragraph that the teachers wrote, using the tools that we learnt like similes, personification, metaphors and set of three.

Here is my story!
Please give feedback on how I used my tools, I would love to know how it feels like from your perspective.

Please note that there will be animations that pop up even without pressing anything.


Tuesday, May 7, 2019

*gasps* You stole my hair! and Everything!! COPYCAT!!!

Hey bloggers!

What would happen if we all looked the same?

Well *click* (turns everyone the same)

Man!! Nikita (my friend)! I can't find you!

I need to find her!

Well if you want to know the pros and cons of this please watch the video below, while I go and find my friend!

*dashes of stage*


Friday, May 3, 2019

Hey everyone! It's Fri-yay!!! Learn about the Myriagon!

Hi Bloggers!

Welcome back to my blog!

It is going to be a fun blog post because...

We are talking about maths! (It's not boring!!)

Pretty much, we had to pack in six circles the same size in a polygon.

A polygon is a shape that has no curves and it a closed shape, so it can't be just a line :).


Thursday, May 2, 2019

Let's break some windows!

Hey Bloggers!

Welcome back!!

Today we will be breaking a bunch of windows.

This is one of the activities for home learning,  and it is all about making 44.
Most of it will be explained in the slide...

Please note that even though this is a animation on slides, please don't just go, clicking through because you'll miss all the hard work of animating!

Which I call...

One slide animation.

Ask me any question in the comments about any of my equations (some are not maths)



Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Innovation is Fun! Click here to know what Innovation means! :D

Hey Bloggers!
Welcome back to school!
I hope everyone is having an amazing time at school, 
(audience) definitely not...

Well, if that's the case then maybe you want to read to blog to get you hyped up.
Today's blog is about....
Drum roll please!
(drum roll)


What? You don't know what Innovation is?????

Well I'll tell you in this wonderful slide!

Also, I would love some feedback on my definition (which is my own words), to see whether you can understand what it means by reading it!
